Hello world!

Greetings to all,

I am Cheekyhua,

New Zealand born and raised.  I’ve set this blog up to get rid of whatever internal dialogues I have going on…. I work full time, study part time and am trying to get my head around alot of what social media has to offer.  Don’t get me wrong I find myself checking out Facebook to waste time.  I ooze common sense, sarcasm and at times wit… not in that particular order….

20 years ago you used your memory to capture events.. nowadays we capture them all on some form of device here’s something that I’ve realised that has changed dramatically.

Nowadays people are on their phones more frequently whilst driving, messaging and doing what ever it is they’re doing… paying no regard to the other drivers or pedestrians on the road… like really?  we know we shouldn’t be doing it but after seeing how the reality of our stupidity through needing to be connected on the roads causes harm and death to others, I’d rather not.. So in the car I go, phone put down until I reach my destination.. done and dusted… its all fun and games until the ones you love are at risk then its a different ball game.

Talking about devices.  It could just be me but have you noticed that when you go to the toilet, you feel lost without your cellphone?….

While doing your own business you think to yourself ‘I could have been checking this out or doing that while releasing this number 2’

I know I know too much information but think about it….come on… is that you too? Cellphones